Florida Water & Climate Alliance Webinar
Perspectives on Saltwater Intrusion
A record 211 participants joined a webinar on Perspectives on Saltwater Intrusion hosted by the Florida Water & Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA) and the UF Water Institute on January 18, 2022. The webinar provided a range of perspectives on saltwater intrusion, from utilities, water management districts, the US Army Corps and the Maryland Department of Planning. Themes included infrastructure planning, monitoring and mitigation, ecosystem restoration, and planning at the state level.
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The webinar featured the following presentations and speakers:
- High-Resolution Model Forecasts for Florida for the Winter Season: Vasu Misra, Ph.D., Professor of Meteorology, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University
- Decision Making in Water Resource Management: Tracy Irani, Ph.D., Professor and Department Chair, Family Youth and Community Science, University of Florida/IFAS
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty: A Water Supply Infrastructure Planning Tool:Tirusew Asefa, P.E., Ph.D., Manager, Planning & System Decision Support, Tampa Bay Water
- Introduction to Saltwater Intrusion Panel: Panel Moderator, Ed Carter, Hydrologist, St. Johns River Water Management District
- Intake Structure Siting Evaluation on the Lower Peace River Using Sea Level Rise Scenarios: Daniel Roberts, Environmental Specialist, Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority
- South Florida’s Approach to Monitoring and Reducing Saltwater Intrusion Potential: Mark Elsner, P.E., Bureau Chief, Water Supply Bureau, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
- Sea Level Rise, Saltwater Intrusion and Mangrove Migration: An Ecosystem Restoration Perspective:Gina Paduano Ralph, Ph.D., Lead Scientist, US Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District; Fred Sklar, Ph.D., Director, Everglades Systems, SFWMD
- Maryland’s Plan to Adapt to Saltwater Intrusion and Salinization: Jason Dubow, Manager, Resource Conservation and Management Unit, Maryland Department of Planning
To access the agenda, speaker presentations and more, click here.