Florida Water & Climate Alliance Webinar
Data, Decisions and Dynamics: Integrating Seasonal Forecasts into Utility Operations
The Florida Water & Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA) hosted a webinar with the UF Water Institute on April 15, 2022 on Integrating Seasonal Forecasts into Utility Operations. Ninety-five participants joined the webinar from water management districts, utilities, universities, government agencies and consulting firms. The webinar focused on a FloridaWCA NASA-funded project that provides a case study for the development, implementation and refinement of seasonal forecasts that can be used to help utilities make decisions about water resource allocations. Presentation themes included the development of improved seasonal forecasts using NASA products, their integration into water supply and demand forecasting, and a deeper look at the decision-making processes of utilities and the benefits/risks of integrating different climate-related tools into those processes.
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The webinar featured the following presentations and speakers:
- Integrating NASA Earth Systems Data into Decision-Making Tools of Member Utilities: Chris Martinez, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Urban and Water Sciences, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida
- Winter Seasonal Forecasts for Florida’s Water Management Districts and Water Suppliers in Central Florida: Vasu Misra, Ph.D., Professor of Meteorology, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University
- Monitoring and Seasonal Outlook of Florida’s Rainy Season: C.B. Jayasankar, Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University
- Customized Regional Climate Model Outputs to Enhance Dry-season Streamflow Forecasts: Hui Wang, Ph.D., P.E., Principal Water resources System Engineer, Tampa Bay Water
- Using Regional Climate Model Outputs to Improve Urban Water Demand Forecasts: Solomon Erkyihun, Ph.D., Demand Forecaster/Planner, Tampa Bay Water
- Exploring Factors that Impact Integration of Climate Data/Information into Utility Operations Decision-Making: Tracy Irani, Ph.D., Professor and Department Chair, Family Youth and Community Science, University of Florida/IFAS
To access the agenda, speaker presentations and more, click here.