Our Vision:
A climate-resilient water sector in Florida.
Our Mission:
Foster partnerships to co-develop and share actionable climate science, data and decision support that promote sustainability in the water sector through applied research, learning and outreach.
Collaborative – Actionable – Locally Relevant
FloridaWCA achieves its mission
by facilitating the following activities:
Online access to Florida-relevant climate data and information.

Promoting knowledge exchange and networking opportunities.

FloridaWCA Key Findings
- Landfalling tropical cyclones don’t mitigate droughts in Florida since they rarely occur during drought conditions, and high runoff means that little water is stored as surface and groundwater for later use.
- Typical sea breeze-type thunderstorms in the summer consistently contribute more water to the rainy season than the occasional landfalling tropical cyclones.
- Oceans have a significant influence on the hydroclimate of Florida including its seasonal cycle and its future projections.
- Customized, locally relevant climate information is increasingly critical for optimizing water resources management and operations, and for safeguarding water supply sources.
- Water resource managers tend to be highly risk aversive in their decision-making, which makes it more challenging for them to adopt new climate information and tools than researchers might expect, due to the complex nature of climate data and the decision-maker’s need to quantifiably reduce risk.
What People are Saying About FloridaWCA

“The scientist-stakeholder partnership is central to solving problems in the real world.”

“The scientist-stakeholder partnership is central to solving“FloridaWCA is a way to stay close to thought leaders in the industry to learn about new approaches, techniques and data, and to receive inspiration for developing our own creative solutions.” problems in the real world.”

“FloridaWCA is nationally recognized and provides legitimacy to the work that we are doing.”

“FloridaWCA is nationally recognized“We gain access to immediate information about water supply planning, resilience research, and the needs and plans of Florida utilities.“ and provides legitimacy to the work that we are doing.”