Project Dates: 09/01/2011-8/31/2013 extended to 8/31/2014 (COMPLETE)
Funding Agency: NOAA SARP CPO
Project Lead:
Wendy Dimbero Graham
Project Participants:
Keith Talbert Ingram
Tracy Anne Irani
Additional Participants:
Sebastian Galindo
Christopher Martinez
Vasu Misra, FSU
Lisette Staal, UF Water Institute
The University of Florida Water Institute, Florida State University and the Southeast Climate Consortium, along with representatives from seven major public water supply utilities and three Water Management Districts in Florida, propose to develop and implement a collaborative Working Group to increase the regional relevance and usability of climate and sea level rise data and tools for the specific needs of water suppliers and resources managers in Florida. The Florida Water and Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA) Working Group will operate as a learning and collaboration platform and will employ participatory methods and a knowledge management framework to promote shared knowledge, data, models and decision-making tools.
The goal of this project is to increase the regional relevance and usability of climate and sea level rise data and tools for the specific needs of water suppliers and resources managers in Florida. Specific objectives are to:
- Develop a collaborative “Working Group”
- Identify the appropriate spatio-temporal scales, climatic indices, and events that drive utilities’ decisions
- Evaluate the practical applicability of current climate data, models, tools at these scales
- Evaluate the usefulness of these data for minimizing current and future risks associated with climate in decision making processes.
Project Documents:
- Executive Advisory Committee Meeting Notes (November 2011)
- Technical Working Group “Roadmaps” (May 2012):
- Annual Report Year 1
- Annual Report Year 2
- Annual Report Year 3
Project Dates: 10/01/2012-06/31/2014 (COMPLETE)
Funding Agency: NOAA SARP CPO
Project Lead:
Wendy Dimbero Graham
Project Participants:
Christopher Martinez
Additional Participants:
Alison Adams, Tampa Bay Water
Ronnie Best, USGS
Jessica Bolson, SECC, UF
Ben Kirtman, U Miami
Vasu Misra, FSU
Kevin Morris, MRWSA
Louis Murray, USGS
Jayantha Obeysekera, SFWMD
Lisette Staal, UF Water Institute
The overall goal of this project is to improve the regional relevance of seasonal climate forecasts and increase their usability for multiple water managers in Florida to minimize short-term operational risks for water supply as well as ecosystem restoration.
The specific objectives of this project are to:
• Evaluate of the skill of the large-scale NMME seasonal climate predictions (temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, humidity, wind speed) on a daily basis over all seasons and over a common grid across the Southeast US. We will use the NMME set of seasonal hindcasts, which are from seven different global coupled ocean-atmosphere models.
• Statistical downscaling of the NMME forecasts to the watershed scale and evaluate the skill of these seasonal predictions over three specific domains: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, Tampa Bay Water and the South Florida Water Management District.
• Execution of a comparative study across three organizations of the benefits and limitations of using seasonal climate forecasts for their operational needs using the following techniques: Interviews, Qualitative focus groups, Cross organizational comparisons and analysis
Project Documents:
Project Dates: 06/2019 - 05/2022, extended to 06/2023 (COMPLETE)
Funding Agency: NASA
Project Lead:
Christopher Martinez (final report by Jasmeet Judge)
Project Participants:
Tracy Irani, Jasmeet Judge, Karen Schlatter (University of Florida), Vasu Misra (Florida State University), Tirusew Asefa (Tampa Bay Water) and Kevin Morris (Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority)
The goal of this project was to improve water allocation and storage decisions by public water utilities through the development of a real-time monitoring product and integration of high (10-km) resolution regional seasonal forecasts centered over Florida. The real-time monitoring product uses NASA Earth science products to anticipate the likelihood of early or late onsite/demise of seasons in peninsular Florida (which has very distinct wet and dry seasons). Customized dynamical seasonal climate forecasts are provided to end-users that incorporate multiple NASA satellite- and model-based products. An extensive set of retrospective forecasts (reforecasts) from 2000-present for the winter (dry) season was produced as part of this project. They serve to develop robust bias correction of the forecasts, which has been previously demonstrated by the investigators to be critical for their effective use in hydrologic applications.
This work is innovative in that:
- It was designed, proposed, and implemented by an established stakeholder-scientist partnership.
- For the first time, a regional climate model at 10km spatial resolution was deployed for Florida to conduct real-time seasonal forecasts for the winter season. The results of this exercise clearly showed the benefits of high resolution in terms of the fidelity of the seasonal forecasts of precipitation.
- Forecasts provide derived variables at a desired frequency, lead time, and resolution that are relevant to hydrologic applications and not currently available from operational centers.
- The real-time monitoring of the evolution of the wet season was notable for its reliability of the seasonal outlook. When most numerical climate models display poor seasonal prediction skill in the wet season owing to the overwhelming contribution of small-scale thunderstorms to the seasonal rainfall, the approach of real-time monitoring of the onset of the wet season to provide outlook of the forthcoming season is a good alternative.
- The real-time monitoring of the evolution of the wet season used the IMERG -12h latency product of NASA and demonstrated its efficacy in providing credible seasonal outlook of the rainy season at the granularity of the water management districts of Florida.
Seasonal forecasts products were integrated into decision support tools used by Tampa Bay Water and the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority and were found to provide improved forecasts compared to climate prediction center outlooks. These utility partners, as members of the Florida Water and Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA), have demonstrated sustained and continuing interest in integrating improved forecast products into their decision making tools. This project leverages the established stakeholder-scientist network of FloridaWCA to examine the efficacy of its members’ decision making processes with respect to adoption of the project’s forecasting and decision support products. As the forecasts, integrated into stakeholder models, have been shown to provide improved skill compared to previously available forecasts, our utility partners will be better able to rotate between water sources (e.g. one utility uses groundwater, surface water, and desalinated water and another uses surface water and aquifer storage and recovery) in anticipation of forecasted drought conditions as well as forecasted wetter than normal conditions.
Project Outputs:
- Customized seasonal forecasts for public water utilities in Florida
- Customized data products that improve current seasonal source allocation (environmental and cost implications) and water shortage risk management tools.
- Seasonal streamflow forecasts using our forecasts with higher skill compared to using lagged observations or CPC/ENSO outlook
- Improved ASR recovery operations due to improved forecasts that are location-specific
- Development of the next generation of talent through training in climate modeling including delivering time sensitive climate forecast products in an operational setting
Project Documents:
Project Publications
Project | Author(s) | Publication Date | Title | Document Type | Document | project_hfilter | document_type_hfilter |
Project 1 | Asefa, T. and A. Adams | 2013 | Reducing bias corrected precipitation projections uncertainties: A Bayesian based indicator weighting approach | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Bastola, S. | 2013 | Hydrologic impacts of future climate change on Southeast US watersheds, Reg. Environ Change, Springer-Verdag Berlin Heidelberg | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Bastola, S. V. Misra, and H.Li | 2013 | Seasonal hydrological forecasts for watersheds over the Southeastern United States for boreal summer and fall seasons | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Bolson, J., C. Martinez, N. Breuer, P. Srivastava, P. Knox | 2013 | Climate information use among southeast US water managers: beyond barriers and toward opportunities | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Chang, S. , WD Graham, S Hwang, R Muñoz-Carpena | 2016 | Sensitivity of future continental United States water deficit projections to general circulation models, the evapotranspiration estimation method, and the greenhouse gas emission scenario | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Hwang, S., W. Graham, J. Hernández, C. Martinez, J. Jones, and A. Adams | 2011 | Quantitative Spatiotemporal evaluation of dynamically downscaled MM5 precipitation predictions over the Tampa Bay region, Florida | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Hwang, S., W. Graham, A. Adams, and J. Guerink | 2013 | Assessment of the utility of dynamically-downscaled regional reanalysis data to predict streamflow in west central Florida using an integrated hydrologic model | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Hwang, S., and W. Graham | 2013 | Development and comparative evaluation of a stochastic analog method to downscale daily GCM precipitation | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Hwang, S., and W. Graham | 2014 | Assessment of alternative methods for statistically downscaling daily GCM precipitation outputs to simulate regional streamflow | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Hwang, S., W. Graham, J. Guerink, and A. Adams | 2014 | Hydrologic implications of errors in bias-corrected regional reanalysis data for west-central Florida | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Li, Haiqin, et. al. | 2013 | Projected climate change scenario over California by a regional ocean-atmosphere coupled model system | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Li, Haiquin and V. Misra | 2014 | Thirty-two-year ocean-atmosphere coupled downscaling of global reanalysis over the Intra-American Seas | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Misra, V.; S.M. DiNapoli, S. Bastola | 2013 | Dynamic downscaling of the twentieth-century reanalysis over the southeastern United States | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Misra, V. | 2013 | The NOAA MAPP Climate Prediction Task Force | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Nag, B., V. Misra, and S. Bastola | 2014 | Validating ENSO teleconnections on Southeastern United States Winter Hydrology | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Obeysekera, J. | 2013 | Validating climate models for computing evapotranspiration in hydrologic studies: how relevant are climate model simulations over Florida? | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 2 | Risko, S, and C. Martinez | 2014 | Forecasts of seasonal streamflow in West-Central Florida using multiple climate predictors | Publication | project-2 | publication | |
Project 2 | Tian, D., Martinez, C.J., Graham, W.D. and S. Hwang | 2014 | Statistical downscaling multi-model forecasts for seasonal precipitation and temperature over southeastern USA | Publication | project-2 | publication | |
Project 2 | Tian, D., Martinez, C.J., and W.D. Graham | 2014 | Seasonal predictions of regional reference evapotranspiration (ETo) based on Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) | Publication | project-2 | publication | |
Project 2 | Tian Di, and C. Martinez | 2013 | Seasonal forecasting skill of the National multimodel Ensemble (NMME) over southeastern United States | Presentation | project-2 | presentation | |
Project 2 | Asefa, Tirusew | 2013 | Use of Climate Information in Tampa Bay Water Decision Support Tools | Presentation | project-2 | presentation | |
Project 2 | Morris, Kevin | 2013 | Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority Decision Processes Related to Water Supply Management Choices | Presentation | project-2 | presentation | |
Project 2 | Morris, Kevin | 2013 | PRMRWA Decision Tool Case Study- When to start ASR? | Presentation | project-2 | presentation | |
Project 1 | Chang, S. J., W. Graham, J. Geurink, N. Wanakule, and T. Asefa | 2018 | Evaluation of impacts of future climate change and water use scenarios on regional hydrology | Publication | project-1 | publication | |
Project 1 | Chang, S., Graham, W., and S. Hwang | 2018 | Bias-Corrected Stochastic Analog (BCSA) downscaled climate variables for Southeast U.S.: Instruction and Data to Produce | Dataset | project-1 | dataset | |
Project 3 | Misra, Vasu; Bhardwaj, Amit | 2020 | Florida 2020-21 Winter Forecast | Presentation | project-3 | presentation | |
Project 3 | Misra, V., Jayasankar, C.B., Beasley, P. and Bhardwaj, A. | 2022 | Operational Monitoring of the Evolution of Rainy Season Over Florida | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Bhardwaj, A., Misra, V., Kirtman, B., Asefa, T., Maran, C., Morris, K., Carter, E., Martinez, C., Roberts, D. | 2021 | Experimental High-Resolution Winter Seasonal Climate Reforecasts for Florida | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Misra, V. | 2020 | Regionalizing Global Climate Variations: A Study of the Southeastern US Regional Climate | Book | project-3 | book | |
Project 3 | Peeling, J., J. Judge, V. misra, C. Jayasankar, and W. Lusher | 2023 | Gap-free 16-year (2005-2020) sub-diurnal surface meteorological observations across Florida | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Irani, T., Anderson, R., Pierre, B., & Michael, A. | 2023 | Climate projections & water resources: Addressing barriers & advancing solutions for effective decision-making. | Report | project-3 | report | |
Project 3 | Misra, V., S. Dixit,and C. B. Jayasankar | 2023 | The Regional Diagnosis of Onset and Demise of the Rainy Season over Tropical and Subtropical Australia Earth Interactions | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Jayasankar, C. B., V. Misra, and N. Karmakar | 2023 | A comparative Study Between Regional Atmospheric Model Simulations Coupled and Uncoupled to a Regional Ocean Model of the Indian Summer Monsoon Earth and Space Science | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Anandhi, A., R. Deepa, A. Bhardwaj, and V. Misra | 2023 | Temperature, Precipitation, and Agro-Hydro-Meteorological Indicator Based Scenarios for Decision Making in Ogallala Aquifer Region | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Misra, V., C. B. Jayasankar, A. K. Mishra, A. Mitra, and P. Murgavel | 2022 | Dynamic downscaling the South Asian summer monsoon from a global reanalysis using a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Liu, H., Z. Song, X. Wang and V. Misra | 2022 | An ocean perspective on CMIP6 climate model evaluations | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Misra, V. and A. Bhardwaj | 2022 | The impact of air-sea coupling on the simulation of the hydroclimatic change over Peninsular Florida | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Wang, H., A. Asefa, V. Misra, and A. Bhardwaj | 2022 | Assessing the value of a regional climate model’s rainfall forecasts in improving dry season streamflow predictions | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Misra, V. and C. B. Jayasankar | 2022 | A high resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere simulation of the regional climate over Central America | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Narotsky, C. D. and V. Misra | 2022 | The Seasonal Predictability of the Wet Season over Peninsular Florida | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Uehling, J., V. Misra, A. Bhardwaj, and N. Karmakar | 2021 | Characterizing the local variations of the Northern Australian Rainy Season | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Misra, V. and A. Bhardwaj | 2021 | Estimating the thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to hydroclimatic change over Peninsular Florida | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Misra, V., Irani, T., Staal, L., Morris, K., Asefa, T., Martinez, C., Graham, W. | 2021 | The Florida Water and Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA): Developing a stakeholder-scientist partnership to create actionable science in climate adaption and water resource management | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Beasley, P., V. Misra,C. B. Jayasankar, and A. Bhardwaj | 2023 | Heat waves in Florida and their future from high-resolution regional climate model integrations | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 3 | Rahimi, L., M. Hoque, E. Ahmadisharaf, N. Alamdari, V. Misra, A. C. Maran, S. -C. Kao, A. AghaKouchak, and R. Talchbhadel | 2024 | Future Climate Projections for South Florida: Improving the Accuracy of Air Temperature and Precipitation Extremes With a Hybrid Statistical Bias Correction Technique | Publication | project-3 | publication | |
Project 2 | Tian, D. and C.J. Martinez | 2014 | The GEFS-based daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) forecast and its implication for water management in the southeastern United States. | Publication | project-2 | publication | |
Project 2 | Tian, D., Martinez, C.J. and T. Asefa | 2016 | Improving Short-Term Urban Water Demand Forecasts with Reforecast Analog Ensembles | Publication | project-2 | publication | |
Project 2 | Di Tian, Chris Martinez, and Tirusew Asefa | 2014 | Forecasting short-term urban water demands based on the Global Ensemble Forecast System | Presentation | project-2 | presentation | |
Project 2 | Kevin Morris and Jessica Bolson | 2014 | Synthesis of Diverse Data in Developing a Decision Tool for Initiating Recovery from an Aquifer Storage and Recovery System | Presentation | project-2 | presentation | |
Project 2 | Morris, K., M. Coates, and M. Heyl | 2014 | Developing a Surface Water Resiliency Model for the 21st Century | Publication | project-2 | publication | |
Project 1 | Wendy Graham, Tracy Irani, Keith Ingram, Alison Adams, Lauren Hendrick, Lisette Staal, Doug Yoder, Nancy Gallinaro, Jayantha Obeysekara, Mike Cullen, Doug Yoder, Tirusew Asefa. Not available; Penni Redford | 2011 | Collaborative Development of Public Water Supply Utility Relevant Climate Information for Improved Operations and Planning. | Report | project-1 | report | |
Project 1 | Vasu Misra, Tirusew Asefa, Louis Murray, Mike Cullum, Chris Martinez, Ben Kirtman, Bappaditya Nag, James Buckingham | 2012 | Roadmap – Seasonal Scale Forecasts | Report | project-1 | report | |
Project 1 | Wendy Graham, Alison Adams, Syewoon Hwang, Rick Hutton, Janyantha Obeysekera, Lydia Stefanova, Tracy Irani | 2012 | Roadmap – Long term Climate Scenarios | Report | project-1 | report | |
Project 1 | Keith Ingram, Barbara Powell, Kathryn Frank Nancy Gallinaro, Bertha Goldenberg, Scott Laidlaw, Kevin Morris, Deidra Slough | 2012 | Roadmap – Sea Level Rise | Report | project-1 | report | |
Project 1 | Wendy Graham, Keith Ingram, Tracy Irani, and Vasu Misra | 2012 | NOAA SARP Project Annual Report – Project 1, Year 1 | Report | project-1 | report | |
Project 1 | Wendy Graham, Keith Ingram, Tracy Irani, and Vasu Misra | 2013 | NOAA SARP Project Annual Report – Project 1, Year 2 | Report | project-1 | report | |
Project 1 | Wendy Graham, Keith Ingram, Tracy Irani, and Vasu Misra | 2014 | NOAA SARP Project Annual Report – Project 1, Year 3 | Report | project-1 | report | |
Project 2 | Wendy Graham, Chris Martinez | 2013 | NOAA SARP Project Annual Report – Project 2, Year 1 | Report | project-2 | report | |
Project 2 | Wendy Graham, Chris Martinez | 2014 | NOAA SARP Project Annual Report – Project 2, Year 2 | Report | project-2 | report | |
Project 3 | Chris J. Martinez | 2020 | NASA Project Annual Report – Year 1 | Report | project-3 | report | |
Project 3 | Christopher Martinez, Tirusew Asefa, Traci Irani, Wendy Graham, Jasmeet Judge, Vasubandhu Misra, Kevin Morris, Daniel Roberts | 2023 | NASA Project Annual Report – Year 2 (Final Report) | Report | project-3 | report | |
Project 3 | Jasmeet Judge, Hui Wang, Tirusew Asefa, Tracy Irani, Vasu Misra, Kevin Morris, Chris Martinez, Lisette Staal, Darlene Saindon Velez | 2024 | NASA Project Poster 2024 | Poster | project-3 | poster |