Join our Email List

Sign up to receive climate-related news and announcements about upcoming meetings, events, funding opportunities, and seminars.
To add your name to the list, email FloridaWCA@LISTS.UFL.EDU with the following message:
subscribe FLORIDAWCA (your first name) (your last name)
Example message: subscribe FLORIDAWCA Katie Climate
Make A Gift

Are you looking to do your part for the climate? Donate to help FloridaWCA achieve our vision of a climate-resilient water sector in Florida through applied research, learning, and outreach.
You may make donations to FloridaWCA through the UF Water Institute Planning Fund.
Just specify your donation is for FloridaWCA under Gift Options/ Provide Additional Information about this gift.
Become a Collaborator or Sponsor

Is your organization ready to join the FloridaWCA mission by becoming a Collaborator or Sponsor? Contact us!
FloridaWCA Coordinator:
Darlene Velez
Phone: 352-294-7742