Florida Water & Climate Alliance Webinar
Water Quality and Climate Change Issues
Over 100 participants joined a webinar on Water Quality and Climate Change Issues hosted by the Florida Water & Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA) and the UF Water Institute on November 13, 2020. Participants came from varied backgrounds and agencies including water utilities, Water Management Districts, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities and consulting firms.
Facilitated by Water Institute Research Coordinator Karen Schlatter, the webinar featured a panel session on water quality issues from Biscayne Bay to Tampa Bay including impacts of climate change and successful strategies for monitoring water quality, reducing pollutants, and engaging the public. The Panel moderator was Irela Bague, past chair of the Biscayne Bay Taskforce. Panelists included Drs. Todd Crowl, Tiffany Troxler, and Tom Frankovich of Florida International University, and Ed Sherwood, Executive Director of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program. The webinar also featured a presentation from Dr. Vasu Misra on his latest model predictions for this winter season climate forecast as part of the NASA ROSES funded project: Integrating NASA Earth Systems Data into Decision-Making Tools of Member Utilities of the FloridaWCA.
The FloridaWCA celebrated its 10-year anniversary this year and recently published an article in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
To access the agenda, speaker presentations and more, click here.